
Saturday, April 16

did I ate a fake egg just now?

this morning, my kakak and I tunggu taukeh gas datang tukar tong gas nak goreng bihun. while my kakak was beating the eggs, she asked me about the fake eggs. then I said "apa ya? wujud kah?" she balas, "antap ko sik tengok berita," hehehe. tengok Amir lagu cinta gila jap I was shock kejap pas dengar my kakak bagitahu pasal telur tiruan tu. lambat ah aku. then tonight, terlintas laa nak buat research about the fake egg.

comparison between the genuine egg and the fake egg

actually these fake chicken egg was being produced and sold in China. So if you're in China, be very careful buying eggs, don't buy the fake ones! telur tiruan ni penuh ngan bahan kimia, the main ingredient calcium alginate, at most is a gel. Alum, gelatin etc are only as additives, auxiliary agents. There are national standards on the use of additives; the amount of them is clearly defined. In the artificial eggs they have become the major components; they are not beneficial to the human body. Artificial egg has little or no nutrition value compare with the genuine one.

How to identify fake eggs:

1.    After opening the egg, egg white and egg yolk will soon mix together.
2.    Fake egg’s shell is a little shinier than the real egg, but it is not very noticeable.
3.    When touch the fake egg by hand, it feels a little rougher than the real egg.
4.    Shake the fake egg will make some noises, because water overflows from the solid agent.
5.    Real egg smells a little like raw meat.
6.    Tap the egg lightly. Real egg makes a more crisp sound than the fake egg.
7.    Shortly after opening the fake egg, egg yolk and egg white will melt together. This is because the egg yolk and egg white are made of the same raw materials.
8.    When frying a fake egg, the yolk will spread without being touched.

some photos that I googled just now

also I share a video of Investigation of fake eggs in China.

but don't worry Malaysian, kerana Datuk Dr Abd Aziz telah berkata bahawa situasi ini adalah terkawal dan berada dalam pengawasan pihak berkuasa. Amin :)

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