lol. Just sharing some videos that I watched. but wait! ni bukan video lawak buduh yang korang selalu tengok kat youtube. I bet these people way better than lame joke made by the Raja Lawak contestants. I watched the Raja Lawak jugak tapi tengok episodes yang ade muke nabil jer :3 yang lain? tak nak ah. tak best. tak reti buat lawak. aku pun tak pandai melawak. but these videos bukan just video yang tak de makne yang tiada hujung pangkal. ala tengok jer la. sure you'all gelak tak henti henti kot. redundant. berapa kali dah aku ulang ayat yang sama? nampak sangat literature low. lol.
this video was uploaded by nigahiga or Ryan for his real name. I watched his videos since five months ago. my bad. its three months actually. baru sekarang nak share? I pernah share his video kat blog lama :B do you know that he made a short movie too. its call "Agent of Secret Stuff (A.S.S)". dang! he's good! and handsome :3
"Saya Buta. I'm Blind. Saya Buta. I'm Blind" hahaha lol. you'll know what I'm saying if you watch this video. lawak giler. ni pulak, uploaded by miss Maria Helen or username dia kat youtube, shortnap. I reaaally adore her slang, her English, her style and her originality. you go girl! :D
yang ni, nama dia Luthfi. kat youtube, username mamat ni, matluthfi90. I like this video part dia ajuk Hairuddin Omar, "jahat ngat natang nie. seeh perot ambo. jnis berat nanang". lol. look at his face mase dia sebut "nanang". senyum adorable :3 jangan dok menggatal yer anna. and another part yang I suke, part Bambang. "LESER" la sangat. haha. tak habeh gelak lagi nie. keep it up mat!
ha! the last and not least, baru usha half an hour lepas and thanks to Ezah E'zzati for recommended me this video xoxo. this one from Anwar Hadi. username youtube dia IniAnwarHadi. he talked based on reality. haven't watch all his videos, but I'm going to usha semua video dia pas ni. :3
DO YOU NOTICED that semua starting videos kat atas, dahi mereka semua kerut. lol! keep waiting for more videos ahead. thank you for reading. :)
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