
Friday, March 18

AH! GATAL LAH. *garu banyak* phew lega

scratch scratch ugh! I'm sick of being a seafood allergy person. my hands starting to itchybithcy whenever I eat the seafoods especially CRABS and PRAWNS and LOBSTERS. they taste supergood superdelicious extremely yummy! how can I force myself stay away from eating those delicious creature. sigh maybe I should NO I mean MUST. WAJIB to stop and quit eating those or else I might lose my fingers. ei takot. tak nak. :( I'm just lucky that I only gets itchy externally coz my cousin also can't eat seafood. if she take it, her internal body part will itch and swollen. can't imagine how its look like. erh.

stuck in this topic, I'll share some information about seafood allergy that I'd read somewhere. technically, seafood allergy is a hypersensitivity to dietary substances from shellfish, scaly fish or crustaceans, causing an overreaction of the immune system, which may lead to severe physical symptoms. crustaceans are  includes such familiar animals as crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill and barnacles. its adverse reaction by the body's immune system to seafood or food containing seafood. 

how to stay away from seafood allergypain? There is NO any cure for food allergy. so the only way to prevent the reaction is to avoid the food that containing seafood. it is important to only take medicines and lotion for the allergy on the advice of the doctor. that's all sigh sigh sigh

and I guess there's no chance at all for me to taste the yummy yum burger, KRABBY PATTY. sorry Mr. Krab, you lose a customer.

bye krabby patty sob sob

the crab curry look so freaking yummy!

you drive me crazy lobster bisque! argh!

sadly, all I can do is just

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